Support @
            Default Prefix: ,

            ┌── Antinuke
            |    ├── antinuke|anti|an|: Protect your server against nukes.
            |    |   ├── antinuke antichannelenable|antichannele| [punishment]: Enable channel delete protection.
            |    |   ├── antinuke antichanneldisable|antichanneldis|: Disable channel delete protection.
            |    |   ├── antinuke remove [member]: Remove an antinuke admin.
            |    |   ├── antinuke anbanthreshold|anbanlimit|anbancount| [number]: Change threshold bans.
            |    |   ├── antinuke botadddisable|botadddis|: Disable antibot.
            |    |   ├── antinuke anbandisable|anbandis|: Disable ban protection.
            |    |   ├── antinuke add [member]: Add an antinuke admin.
            |    |   ├── antinuke settings|stats|config|: check antinuke settings
            |    |   ├── antinuke ankickenable|ankicke| [punishment]: Enable kick members protection.
            |    |   ├── antinuke anchannelsthreshold|anchanlimit|anchannelcount| [number]: Change threshold chan deletion.
            |    |   ├── antinuke ankickthreshold|ankicklimit|ankickcount| [number]: Change threshold kicks.
            |    |   ├── antinuke botaddenable|botadde| [punishment]: Enable bot protection.
            |    |   ├── antinuke list: Returns antinuke admins.
            |    |   ├── antinuke disable|d|off|: Disable antinuke.
            |    |   ├── antinuke ankickdisable|ankickdis|: Disable kick protection.
            |    |   ├── antinuke anbanenable|anbane| [punishment]: Enable ban protection.
            |    |   ├── antinuke botaddwhitelist|botaddwl| [member]: Whitelist a bot.
            |    |   ├── antinuke logs [channel]: Configure logs antinuke channel.
            |    |   ├── antinuke enable|e|on|: Enable antinuke.
            ┌── AutoMod
            |    ├── antispam|aspam|antis|: View all antispam commands.
            |    |   ├── antispam whitelisted users: Return a list of whitelisted users.
            |    |   ├── antispam whitelisted channels: Return list of whitelisted channels.
            |    |   ├── antispam enable|e|: Enable anti spam.
            |    |   ├── antispam disable: Disable anti spam.
            |    |   ├── antispam whitelist channel: Whitelist a channel from anti spam.
            |    |   ├── antispam whitelist user: Whitelist an user from anti spam.
            |    |   ├── antispam limit [limit]: Set antispam limit.
            |    |   ├── antispam punishment [punishment]: Set antispam punishment.
            |    |   ├── antispam seconds [seconds]: Set antispam by delay time.
            |    |   ├── antispam unwhitelist channel: Unwhitelist channel anti spam.
            |    |   ├── antispam unwhitelist user: Unwhitelist a user from anti spam.
            |    ├── antiraid: Keep your server protected from attempted mass raids.
            |    |   ├── antiraid enable: Enable the antiraid in your server.
            |    |   ├── antiraid age|age_account|agelimit| (number): Enforces punishment for accounts created within a specified age limit in **days**.
            |    |   ├── antiraid ignore|bypass|whitelist| (user): Allow a user to bypass the antiraid for a certain amount of time.
            |    |   ├── antiraid status|config|configure|settings|: View the current antiraid settings.
            |    |   ├── antiraid removelogs|rlog|clearlogs|removelog|clearlog| (channel): Remove the current antiraid channel.
            |    |   ├── antiraid logs|logger|logging|log| (channel): Set a channel that all antiraid detections will send to.
            |    |   ├── antiraid penalty|punishment|do| (option): Set a punishment for those who attempt to raid.
            |    |   ├── antiraid disabled|off|disable| disable: Disable the antiraid in your server.
            |    |   ├── antiraid avatar|nopfp|pfp| (option): Security against accounts which don't have an avatar.
            ┌── Config
            |    ├── prefix: View guild prefix.
            |    |   ├── prefix set|add| (prefix): Set command prefix for guild.
            |    ├── starboard|board|star|sb|: Save important messages to a designated channel.
            |    |   ├── starboard list|show|all|: View all starboards.
            |    |   ├── starboard add|create| (channel) (emoji): Add a starboard for a channel.
            |    |   ├── starboard remove|delete|del|rm| (channel) (emoji): Remove a starboard from a channel.
            |    ├── reskin: Customize the bot's appearance.
            |    |   ├── reskin setup|webhooks|: Set up the reskin webhooks.
            |    |   ├── reskin color|colour|: Change your reskin embed colors.
            |    |   ├── reskin color reset|clear| (option): Reset your reskin embed colors.
            |    |   ├── reskin name|username| (username): Change your personal reskin name.
            |    |   ├── reskin disable: Disable the reskin webhooks.
            |    |   ├── reskin remove|delete|reset|: Remove your personal reskin.
            |    |   ├── reskin avatar|icon|av| (url/image): Change your personal reskin avatar.
            |    ├── sticky|stickymessage|sm|: Set up sticky messages in channels.
            |    |   ├── sticky add|create| (channel) (message): Add a sticky message for a channel.
            |    |   ├── sticky view|check|test|emit| (channel): View a sticky message for a channel.
            |    |   ├── sticky reset|clear|: Reset all sticky messages.
            |    |   ├── sticky list|show|all|: View all sticky messages.
            |    |   ├── sticky remove|delete|del|rm| (channel): Remove a sticky message for a channel.
            |    ├── voicelogs|vclogs|voicelogging|: Set up voice logging channel.
            |    |   ├── voicelogs channel (channel): Set voice logging channel.
            |    |   ├── voicelogs config: View current configuration.
            |    |   ├── voicelogs reset: Reset voice logging configuration.
            |    ├── logging|log|: Set up logging.
            |    |   ├── logging enable|on|channel| (channel): Enable logging in a specific channel.
            |    |   ├── logging disable|off|: Disable logging.
            |    |   ├── logging list: List the current logging configuration.
            |    ├── ticket|tickets|: Set up ticket panel.
            |    |   ├── ticket category (category): Configure the ticket category.
            |    |   ├── ticket message (message): Configure the ticket message.
            |    |   ├── ticket channel (channel): Configure the ticket channel.
            |    |   ├── ticket logs (channel): Configure the ticket logging channel.
            |    |   ├── ticket add (member): Add a person to the ticket.
            |    |   ├── ticket topics: Manage the ticket topics.
            |    |   ├── ticket remove (member): Remove a member from the ticket.
            |    |   ├── ticket send: Sends the ticket panel.
            |    |   ├── ticket settings: Check the ticket panel's settings.
            |    ├── tag|tags|t|: View a tag.     
            |    |   ├── tag list: Returns a list of all tags.     
            |    |   ├── tag remove|delete|del|: Delete a tag.     
            |    |   ├── tag edit: Edit a tag.     
            |    |   ├── tag random: Returns a random tag from the guild.   
            |    |   ├── tag create|make|: Create a tag.   
            |    |   ├── tag creator|author|: View the creator of a tag.  
            |    |   ├── tag search: Search for a tag.

            ┌── Fun
            |    ├── quickpoll|poll| (question): Start a quick poll.
            |    ├── blunt|joint|: Hit the blunt with your homies
            |    |   ├── blunt pass|give| (member): Pass the blunt to another member.
            |    |   ├── blunt steal|take|: Steal the blunt from another member.
            |    |   ├── blunt light|roll|: Roll up a blunt.
            |    |   ├── blunt hit|smoke|chief|: Hit the blunt.
            |    ├── emojify|emojitext| (text): Turn text into emojis.
            |    ├── randomhex|randomcolor|: Generate a random hex color code.
            |    ├── bible|jesus|: Show a random bible verse.
            |    ├── draw|art|: Draw on discord using petra.
            |    ├── pickuplines|rizz|: Get a random pickup line.
            |    ├── tictactoe|ttt| (member): Play Tic Tac Toe with another member.
            |    ├── pokemon|pokedex| name: Search for a Pokémon in the Pokedex.
            |    ├── lyrics|song|songlyrics| (song): Gets lyrics for the given song.
            |    ├── marry|date|love| (user): Marry a specified user.
            |    ├── divorce|break|breakup|end| (user): Divorce a user.
            |    ├── forcemarry|fmarry|forcedate|forcelove| (user): Force a member to marry you.
            |    ├── blacktea|greentea|tea|gametea|: Play blacktea with your friends.
            |    ├── choose (choices): Give me choices and I will pick for you.
            |    ├── logo|trademark|symbol|: Get logo for specified brand name.  
            |    ├── sentiment|feeling|emotion|compare| (text): Get the sentiment for the given text.
            |    ├── rockpaperscisssors|rps|: Play rock paper scissors with the bot.
            |    ├── connect4|connect|connectfour|upfour| (member): Play Connect 4 with another player. 
            |    ├── inch|inches|convertinch| <inch>: Convert inches to centimeters.
            |    ├── recent: Get the most recent emoji used in the guild.
            |    ├── manga <search>: Search MyAnimeList for manga information.
            ┌── Image
            |    ├── car: Show info about a random car.
            |    ├── goose: Send a random goose picture.
            |    ├── lizard: Send a random lizard picture.
            |    ├── fox: Send a random fox picture.
            |    ├── bird: Send a random bird picture.
            |    ├── cat: Send a random cat picture.
            |    ├── capybara: Send a random capybara picture.
            |    ├── patpat|finger| (user): Pat a user's discord profile.
            |    ├── wallpaper|pcwallpaper|pcscreen|imagescreen|: Send random wallpaper image.
            |    ├── dockofshame|shame|dockshame|shamewall|: Put shame on the user.
            |    ├── billboard (user): Billboard a user's discord profile.
            |    ├── bonks|smack|smash| (user): Bonk a user discord profile.
            |    ├── flush|toilet|flushdown| (user): Flush a user discord profile.
            |    ├── kanye|turninkanye| (user): Kanye a user's discord profile.
            |    ├── blur|fog| (user): Blurs user's discord profile.
            |    ├── canny|black|old| (user): Canny a user's discord profile.
            |    ├── cow|cowboy| (user): Turn a user's discord profile into a cow.
            |    ├── cube (user): Turn a user's discord profile into a cube.
            |    ├── flag|bannerflag| (user): Turn a user's discord profile into a flag.
            |    ├── print (user): Print a user's discord profile.
            |    ├── phone|iphone|cellphone| (user): Turn a user's discord profile into a phone template.
            |    ├── inspire|im|inspiro|inspirobot|: Gives a random inspiring quote.
            ┌── Information
            |    ├── help|h|cmds|commands| <command>: View all commands or info about a specific command.
            |    ├── invite|support|inv|: invite the bot.
            |    ├── ping|latency|: View the gateway latency.
            |    ├── recentmembers|recentusers|recentjoins|newmembers|newusers|joins| <amount>: View the most recent members to join the server.
            |    ├── about|botinfo|system|sys|: View system information about petra.
            |    ├── membercount|members|users| <server>: View a server's member count.
            |    ├── icon|servericon|sicon|guildicon|gicon| <server>: View a server's icon.
            |    ├── serverbanner|sbanner|guildbanner|gbanner| <server>: View a server's banner.
            |    ├── serverinfo|sinfo|guildinfo|ginfo|si|gi| <server>: View information about a server.
            |    ├── inviteinfo|iinfo|ii| <server>: View information about an invite.
            |    ├── serveravatar|sav|sab|sag|savi|spfp| <user>: View a user's server avatar
            |    ├── banner|ub| <user>: View a user's banner.
            |    ├── emojis|emotes|: View all emojis in the server.
            |    ├── stickers: View all stickers in the server.
            |    ├── bots: View all bots in the server.
            |    ├── roles: View all roles in the server.
            |    ├── bans: View all bans in the server.
            |    ├── invites (user): View invites of a user.
            |    ├── inrole|hasrole| <role>: View all members with a role.
            |    ├── boosters|boosts|: View all members boosting the server.
            |    ├── timezone|time|tz|: View a member's timezone.
            |    |   ├── timezone list: View all member's timezones.
            |    |   ├── timezone set (location): Set your timezone.
            |    ├── birthday|bday|bd|: View a member's birthday.
            |    |   ├── birthday list|all|: View all member birthdays
            |    |   ├── birthday set (date): Set your birthday.
            |    ├── btcaddy|bitcoinaddy|btcinfo|btctransactions| (address): Search up info about a btc addy.
            |    ├── ethaddy|ethereumaddy|ethinfo|ethtransactions| (address): Search up info about an eth addy.
            |    ├── donate|donation|: View donation info.
            |    ├── urban|urbandictionary|ud| (query): Search for a definition on Urban Dictionary.
            |    ├── userinfo|uinfo|ui|whois|: View information about a user.
            |    ├── roleinfo|rinfo|ri| <role>: View information about a role.
            |    ├── channelinfo|cinfo|ci| <channel>: View information about a channel.
            |    ├── serverinvites: View all active invites.
            |    ├── wolfram|w| <query>: Search for answers using wolfram.
            |    ├── minecraft|mc|craft|: View all minecraft commands.
            |    |   ├── minecraft ip|mcip|mcinfo| server ip: View Minecraft server information.
            |    |   ├── minecraft user|information|info| (user): View info on a minecraft user.
            |    |   ├── minecraft head (user): View user's minecraft head.
            |    |   ├── minecraft avatar|av| (user): View user's minecraft avatar.
            ┌── Lastfm
            |    ├── lastfm|lf|: View all lastfm commands.
            |    |   ├── lastfm variables: View lastfm custom embed variables.
            |    |   ├── lastfm customcommand|cc| (command): Set a custom command for nowplaying.
            |    |   ├── lastfm set (name): Register your lastfm account.
            |    |   ├── lastfm remove: Unset your lastfm account.
            |    |   ├── lastfm embed|welc|: Create your own lastfm custom embed.
            |    |   ├── lastfm embed set [message | embed code]: Set a personal lastfm embed.
            |    |   ├── lastfm embed view: Check your lastfm custom embed.
            |    |   ├── lastfm embed steal [member]: Steal a custom lastfm embed.
            |    |   ├── lastfm embed none|delete|: Clear your custom embed.
            |    |   ├── lastfm topartists|ta|tar| (member): Check a member's top 10 artists.
            |    |   ├── lastfm toptracks|tt| (member): Check a member's top 10 tracks.
            |    |   ├── lastfm topalbums|tal| (member): Check a member's top 10 albums.
            |    |   ├── lastfm user|ui| <username>: Check info about a lastfm user.
            |    |   ├── lastfm whoknows|wk| (artist): See whoknows a artist in the server.
            |    |   ├── lastfm crowns (user): Get the crowns of a member.
            |    |   ├── lastfm howto|tutorial|: Tutorial for using lastfm.
            |    |   ├── lastfm gwk|globalwhoknows| (artist): See whoknows a artist across all servers.
            |    |   ├── lastfm reactions (emojis): Add custom emotes to lastfm embed.
            |    ├── gwk|globalwhoknows| (artist): See whoknows a artist across all servers.
            |    ├── whoknows|wk| (artist): See who knows a certain artist in the server.
            |    ├── topalbums|tal| (member): Check a member's top 10 albums.
            |    ├── toptracks|tt| (member): Check a member's top 10 tracks.
            |    ├── topartists|ta|tar| (member): Check a member's top 10 artists.
            |    ├── nowplaying|np|fm| <user>: Check what song is playing right now.
            ┌── Media
            |    ├── pinterest|pint| (user): Fetch images of a Pinterest user and send them to a channel.
            |    ├── valorant|val| (username): View information about a Valorant Player.
            |    ├── osu (username) <game>: Retrieve simple OSU profile information.
            |    ├── xbox|xb|xbl| (gamertag): View a Xbox profile.
            |    ├── subreddit|subred|subr| (subredit): Return info on given subreddit name.
            |    ├── spotifyglobal|spotify|spot|spotifyg|: Show entire guild Spotify listeners.
            |    ├── telegram <username>: Gets profile information from the given telegram.
            |    ├── roblox <username>: Gets profile information from the given Roblox account.
            |    ├── github|git|: Get someone's github profile.
            |    ├── steam (profile id): Get information about a Steam profile.
            |    ├── twitch (username): View information on a twitch username. 
            |    ├── tiktok (username): View information on a tiktok username.
            |    ├── twitter (username): View information on a twitter username.
            |    ├── deeplookup|dl| user id: View information on a discord account.
            ┌── Miscellaneous
            |    ├── firstmessage|firstmsg|first| <channel>: View the first message in a channel.
            |    ├── clearsnipe|clearsnipes|cs|: Clears all results for reactions, edits and messages.  
            |    ├── snipe|s| <index>: Snipe the latest message that was deleted.
            |    ├── reactionsnipe|rs|: Snipe the latest reaction that was removed.
            |    ├── reactionhistory|rh| <msg link>: See logged reactions for a message.
            |    ├── remind|reminder|: Set a reminder.
            |    |   ├── remind remove|delete|del|rm|cancel| (text): Remove a reminder.
            |    |   ├── remind list|show|view|: View your pending reminders.
            |    ├── highlight|hl|spy|: Notify you when a word is mentioned.
            |    |   ├── highlight add|create|new| (word): Add a word to notify you about.
            |    |   ├── highlight block|ignore| (entity): Ignore a user or channel.
            |    |   ├── highlight unblock|unignore| (entity): Unignore a user or channel.
            |    |   ├── highlight list|show|view|blocked|: View your highlighted words.
            |    |   ├── highlight remove|delete|del|rm| (word): Remove word to notify about.
            |    ├── translate|tr| <language> (text): Translate text to another language.
            |    ├── createembed|embed|ce| (embed script): Send an embed to the channel.
            |    ├── copyembed|embedcode|ec| (message): Copy embed code for a message.
            |    ├── nba: National Basketball Association Scores.
            |    ├── nfl: National Football League Scores.
            |    ├── mlb: Major League Baseball Scores.
            |    ├── nhl: National Hockey League Scores.
            |    ├── fortnitelookup|fnsearch|find| (cosmetic): Search for a cosmetic with the last release dates.
            |    ├── fnshop|itemshop|store|: View the current Fortnite item shop.
            |    ├── afk|away| <message>: Set an away status for when you're mentioned.
            |    ├── vanitycheck|vanc|checkvanity|cv| vanity: Check if a vanity is available.
            |    ├── subscribe|sub|notify|watch|btcnotify| (transaction id): Send a notification when a transaction is confirmed.
            |    ├── transparent|removebg|rbg|removebackground|transparentimg|transimg|tp| [attachment]: Remove background from an image.
            |    ├── mock|clone| (user) (text): Makes a webhook to impersonate someone.
            |    ├── ocr|opticalcharacterrecognition| (image): Get the optical character recognition of an image.
            |    ├── extract|e|export|: Sends all of an object in a ZIP file.
            |    |   ├── extract extractemojis|emoji|: Extract all emojis in the guild.
            |    |   ├── extract stickers|sticker|: Extract all stickers in the guild.
            |    ├── stickertag|stt|sticker_tag|vanitytag|tagsticker|tagstickers|: Add your server's vanity URL to the end of sticker names.
            |    ├── chatgpt|ask|ai|gpt|shuttle|shuttleAI|: Ask ChatGPT a prompt.
            |    ├── networkping|ntping|network|netping|host|hostping|: Ping a host to find out the network information.
            |    ├── transcribe|voice2text|v2t|: Transcribe a voice message.
            |    ├── screenshot|ss|: Take a screenshot of a url.
            |    ├── image|img|googleimage|imagesearch|: Search for images on the internet.
            ┌── Mod
            |    ├── set: Set server settings through petra.
            |    |   ├── set name|n| (text): Set the server name.
            |    |   ├── set icon|i| (image): Set the server icon.
            |    |   ├── set channel <name or topic> (text): Set the channel name or topic.
            |    |   ├── set banner|background|b| (image): Set the server banner.
            |    ├── nickname|nick|n|: Set the nickname of a user.
            |    |   ├── nickname force|lock|: Force nickname upon user.
            |    |   ├── nickname force cancel|stop|end| (member): Cancel the nickname lock.
            |    |   ├── nickname remove|reset|rm| (member): Remove the nickname of a user.
            |    ├── reason|rsn| <case ID> (reason): Update a moderation case reason.
            |    ├── history: View punishment history for a user.
            |    |   ├── history reset|clear| (user): Reset a user's punishment history.
            |    |   ├── history remove|delete|del|rm| (user) (case ID): Remove punishment from a user.
            |    ├── timeout|tmout|tmo|to|mute| (member) (duration) <reason>: Temporary timeout a member from the server.
            |    ├── untimeout|untmout|untmo|unto|uto|unmute| (member) <reason>: Lift the timeout from a member.
            |    ├── ban|b| (user) <delete history> <reason>: Ban a user from the server and optionally delete their messages.
            |    ├── kick|boot|k| (member) <reason>: Kick a member from the server.
            |    ├── unban (user) <reason>: Unban a user from the server.
            |    ├── emoji: Enlarge an emoji.
            |    |   ├── emoji remove|delete|del|rm| (emoji): Remove an emoji from the server.
            |    |   ├── emoji add|create|copy|steal|emojiadd| (emoji or url) <name>: Add an emoji to the server.
            |    |   ├── emoji enlarge|jumbo|e|big|downloademoji| (emoji): Enlarge an emoji.
            |    |   ├── emoji addmany|am|addm| (emojis): Bulk add emojis to the server.
            |    ├── purge|clear|prune|c|: Purge a specified amount of messages.
            |    |   ├── purge contains|contain|c|cs| (substring) <amount>: Purge a specified amount of messages that contain a substring.
            |    |   ├── purge links|link| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of links.
            |    |   ├── purge after|upto|to| (message): Purge messages after a specified message.
            |    |   ├── purge endswith|ew|ews| (substring) <amount>: Purge a specified amount of messages that end with a substring.
            |    |   ├── purge images|image|imgs|img|pics|pic| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of images.
            |    |   ├── purge invites|invite| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of invites.
            |    |   ├── purge startswith|sw|sws| (substring) <amount>: Purge a specified amount of messages that start with a substring.
            |    |   ├── purge files|file|attachments|attachment| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of files.
            |    |   ├── purge between|inside|btw|bt| (start message) (end message): Purge messages between two specified messages.
            |    |   ├── purge embeds|embed| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of embeds.
            |    |   ├── purge bots|bot| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of bot messages.
            |    |   ├── purge mentions|mention|pings|ping| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of mentions.
            |    |   ├── purge humans|human| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of human messages.
            |    |   ├── purge stickers|sticker| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of sticker messages.
            |    |   ├── purge emojis|emoji|emotes|emote| <amount>: Purge a specified amount of emoji messages.
            |    ├── role|r|: Add or remove a role from a member.
            |    |   ├── role icon|emoji| (role) (icon): Change the icon of a role.
            |    |   ├── role all (role): Add a role to all members.
            |    |   ├── role name|rename| (role) (name): Change the name of a role.
            |    |   ├── role mentionable|mention| (role): Toggle if a role is mentionable.
            |    |   ├── role color|colour| (role) (color): Change the color of a role
            |    |   ├── role delete|del| (role): Delete a role.
            |    |   ├── role remove|revoke| (member) (role): Remove a role from a member.
            |    |   ├── role create|new| (name): Create a role
            |    |   ├── role multiple|multi| (member) (roles): Add or remove multiple roles from a member.
            |    |   ├── role hoist|display| (role): Toggle if a role is hoisted.
            |    |   ├── role add|grant| (member) (role): Add a role to a member.
            |    ├── moveall|mvall| (voice channel): Move all members to another voice channel.
            |    ├── hide|private|priv| <channel> <reason>: Hide a channel from regular members.
            |    ├── reveal|unhide|public| <channel> <reason>: Reveal a channel to regular members.
            |    ├── lockdown|lock|: Prevent regular members from typing.
            |    |   ├── lockdown ignore: Prevent channels from being altered.
            |    |   ├── lockdown ignore list|show|all|: List all ignored channels.
            |    |   ├── lockdown ignore remove|delete|del|rm| (channel): Remove a channel from the ignore list.
            |    |   ├── lockdown ignore add|create| (channel): Add a channel to the ignore list.
            |    |   ├── lockdown all <reason>: Prevent regular members from typing in all channels.
            |    ├── unlockdown|unlock|: Allow regular members to type.
            |    |   ├── unlockdown all <reason>: Allow regular members to type in all channels.
            |    ├── slowmode|slowmo|slow|: Set the slowmode delay for a channel.
            |    |   ├── slowmode disable|off| <channel>: Disable slowmode for a channel
            |    ├── nsfw|naughty| <channel>: Temporarily mark a channel as NSFW.
            |    ├── sticker: Manage stickers in the server.
            |    |   ├── sticker remove|delete|del|rm| (sticker): Remove a sticker from the server.
            |    |   ├── sticker list|all|: View all stickers in the server.
            |    |   ├── sticker rename|name| (sticker) (name): Rename a sticker in the server.
            |    |   ├── sticker add|create|copy| (image or url) <name>: Add a sticker to the server.
            |    ├── cleanup|mud|bc| <amount>: Clean up messages from petra.
            |    ├── nuke <channel>: Clone the channel.
            |    ├── revokefiles|revokeimages|: Take away, or return, everyones image perms.
            |    ├── clearinvites|clearinvs|: Clear all server invites.
            |    ├── autonick|autonickname|: Set a nickname to be automically assigned to new joins.
            |    ├── audit <user> <action>: View audit log entries.
            |    ├── deleteduplicates|deletedupes|deletedups|: Delete duplicate emojis from the server.
            |    ├── warn: Give a user a warning.
            |    |   ├── warn list (member): View all warns on specified user.
            |    |   ├── warn clear (member): Clear all warns from a user.
            |    ├── stripstaff|strip|striproles|removestaff| (member): Strips all staff roles from the mentioned user.
            |    ├── unbanall|massunban|: Unban all users in a guild.
            |    ├── selfpurge|sp|selfp| amount: Purge all messages from yourself.
            ┌── Servers
            |    ├── modlog|jaillog| <channel>: Set the moderation log channel.
            |    ├── resetcases|resetcs|: Reset the all moderation cases.
            |    ├── welcome|welc|greet|: Set up welcome messages in one or multiple channels.
            |    |   ├── welcome add|create| (channel) (message): Add a welcome message for a channel.
            |    |   ├── welcome view|check|test|emit| (channel): View a welcome message for a channel.
            |    |   ├── welcome reset|clear|: Reset all welcome channels.
            |    |   ├── welcome list: View all welcome channels.
            |    |   ├── welcome remove|delete|del|rm| (channel): Remove a welcome message for a channel.
            |    ├── boost|bst|: Set up boost messages in one or multiple channels.
            |    |   ├── boost remove|delete|del|rm| (channel): Remove a boost message for a channel.
            |    |   ├── boost view|check|test|emit| (channel): View a boost message for a channel.
            |    |   ├── boost reset|clear|: Reset all boost channels.
            |    |   ├── boost add|create| (channel) (message): Add a boost message for a channel.
            |    ├── reaction|reactiontrigger|react|rt|autoreact|at|: Set up reaction triggers.
            |    |   ├── reaction add|create| (emoji) (trigger): Add a reaction trigger.
            |    |   ├── reaction list|show|all|: View all reaction triggers.
            |    |   ├── reaction remove|delete|del|rm| (emoji) (trigger): Remove a reaction trigger.
            |    |   ├── reaction reset|clear|: Remove all reaction triggers.
            |    ├── response|autoresponder|autoresponse|ar|: Set up automatic trigger responses.
            |    |   ├── response view|check|test|emit| (trigger): View a response trigger.
            |    |   ├── response remove|delete|del|rm| (trigger): Remove a response trigger.
            |    |   ├── response add|create| (trigger), (response): Add a response trigger.
            |    |   ├── response list|show|all|: View all response triggers.
            |    |   ├── response reset|clear|: Remove all response triggers.
            |    ├── boosterrole|boostrole|br|: Create your own color role.
            |    |   ├── boosterrole icon|emoji| (icon): Change the icon of your booster role.
            |    |   ├── boosterrole baserole|base| (role): Set the base role for booster roles.
            |    |   ├── boosterrole remove|delete|del|rm|: Remove your booster role.
            |    |   ├── boosterrole cleanup|clean|purge|: Clean up booster roles which aren't boosting.
            |    |   ├── boosterrole rename|name| (name): Rename your booster role.
            |    |   ├── boosterrole color|colour| (color): Change the color of your booster role.
            |    ├── alias: Set a custom alias for commands.
            |    |   ├── alias list|show|all| <command>: View all bound aliases.
            |    |   ├── alias add|create| (alias) (command): Add a custom alias for a command.
            |    |   ├── alias reset|clear| <command>: Remove every bound alias.
            |    |   ├── alias remove|delete|del|rm| (alias): Remove a bound alias.
            |    ├── autorole|welcrole|: Automatically assign roles to new members.
            |    |   ├── autorole add|create| (role): Add a role to be assigned to new members.
            |    |   ├── autorole remove|delete|del|rm| (role): Remove a role from being assigned to new members.
            |    |   ├── autorole reset|clear|: Remove every role which is being assigned to new members.
            |    |   ├── autorole list|show|all|: View all the roles being assigned to new members.
            |    ├── pingonjoin|poj|: View all ping on join commands.
            |    |   ├── pingonjoin add [channel]: Ping new members when they join.
            |    |   ├── pingonjoin list: Get a list of pingonjoin channels.
            |    |   ├── pingonjoin remove <channel>: Remove a pingonjoin channel.
            |    ├── leave|goodbye|: View all leave commands.
            |    |   ├── leave config: Returns stats of the leave message.
            |    |   ├── leave delete: Delete the leave module.
            |    |   ├── leave test: Test leave message.
            |    |   ├── leave message [message]: Configure the leave message.
            |    |   ├── leave channel [channel]: Configure the leave channel.
            |    ├── giveaway|gw|: View all giveaway command.
            |    |   ├── giveaway end [message id] <channel>: End a giveaway.
            |    |   ├── giveaway list: Returns a list of active giveaways in the server.
            |    |   ├── giveaway reroll [message id] <channel>: Reroll a giveaway.
            |    |   ├── giveaway create <channel>: No description
            |    ├── gcreate <channel>: Create a giveaway in this server.
            |    ├── glist: Returns a list of active giveaways in the server.
            |    ├── gend [message id] <channel>: End a giveaway.
            |    ├── greroll [message id] <channel>: Reroll a giveaway.
            |    ├── reactionrole|rr|: Set up self assignable roles.
            |    |   ├── reactionrole list: List all the reaction roles.
            |    |   ├── reactionrole removeall <channel>: Remove all reaction roles from the server.
            |    |   ├── reactionrole remove [message id] [channel] [emoji]: Remove a reactionrole from a message.
            |    |   ├── reactionrole add [message id] [channel] [emoji] [role]: Add a reactionrole to a message.
            |    ├── fakepermissions|fakeperms|fp|fperms|: Set up fake permissions for roles.
            |    |   ├── fakepermissions list|show|all|: View all roles with fake permissions.
            |    |   ├── fakepermissions grant|allow|add| (role) (permission): Grant a role a fake permission.
            |    |   ├── fakepermissions reset|clear|: Remove every fake permission from every role.
            |    |   ├── fakepermissions revoke|remove|delete|del|rm| (role) (permission): Revoke a fake permission from a role.
            |    ├── thread|forum|threads|: Commands to manage threads.
            |    |   ├── thread pin [thread]: Pin a thread.
            |    |   ├── thread unpin (thread): Unpin a thread.
            |    |   ├── thread archive [thread] [reason]: Archive a thread.
            |    |   ├── thread unlock [thread] [reason]: Unlock a thread.
            |    |   ├── thread lock [thread] [reason]: Lock a thread.
            |    |   ├── thread unarchive [thread] [reason]: Unarchive a thread.
            |    ├── vanity: Logs vanity changes in all servers.
            |    |   ├── vanity unset: Removes the channel for vanity changes.
            |    |   ├── vanity set: Sets the channel for vanity changes.
            ┌── VoiceMaster
            |    ├── voicemaster|voice|vm|vc|: Make temporary voice channels.
            |    |   ├── voicemaster setup|set|start|: Begin VoiceMaster server configuration setup. 
            |    |   ├── voicemaster name|rename| (new name): Rename your voice channel.
            |    |   ├── voicemaster bitrate|quality| (bitrate): Edit bitrate of your voice channel.
            |    |   ├── voicemaster limit|userlimit| (limit): Edit user limit of voice channel.
            |    |   ├── voicemaster reset|resetserver|unset|vmremove|: Reset server configuration for VoiceMaster.
            |    |   ├── voicemaster lock: Lock your voice channel. 
            |    |   ├── voicemaster unlock: Unlock your voice channel. 
            |    |   ├── voicemaster ghost|hide|: Hide your voice channel. 
            |    |   ├── voicemaster unghost|reveal|unhide|: Reveal your voice channel.  
            |    |   ├── voicemaster permit|allow| (member or role): Permit a member/role to join your VC.       
            |    |   ├── voicemaster reject|remove|deny|kick| (member or role): Reject a member/role from joining your VC.      
            |    |   ├── voicemaster category (channel): Redirect voice channels to category.     
            |    |   ├── voicemaster claim: Claim an inactive voice channel.    
            |    |   ├── voicemaster defaultregion (region): Edit default region.    
            |    |   ├── voicemaster defaultbitrate (bitrate): Edit default bitrate.   
            |    |   ├── voicemaster configuration|config|show|view|info|: See current configuration for voicemaster.  
            |    |   ├── voicemaster transfer (member): Transfer ownership of VC channel.
            |    |   ├── voicemaster defaultrole (role): Set a role that members get in a VM channel.
            ┌── Roleplay
            |    ├── bite (member): Bite a user
            |    ├── blush (member): Blush to a user
            |    ├── facepalm (member): Facepalm to a user
            |    ├── holdhands|hold hands|hands| (member): Hold hands with a user
            |    ├── highfive|high five|clap| (member): Highfive a user
            |    ├── wave|hii|hello| (member): Wave to a user
            |    ├── wink|eye| (member): Wink to a user
            |    ├── yeet (member): Yeet a user
            |    ├── smug (member): Smug to a user
            |    ├── stare|focus| (member): Stare at a user
            |    ├── shrug (member): Shrug to a user.
            |    ├── shoot (member): Shoot a user.
            |    ├── thumbsup|thumbs| (member): Give thumbsup to a user.
            |    ├── punch|fist| (member): Punch a user
            |    ├── angry|mad| (member): Get angry at a user.
            |    ├── comfy|comfortable| (member): Get comfy with a user.
            |    ├── dance|moves| (member): Dance with a user.
            |    ├── lay|laying|eeping|eepy| (member): Lay with a user.
            |    ├── lick|licks|tongue| (member): Lick a user.
            |    ├── pout|pouts|duckface| (member): Pout against a user.
            |    ├── fluff|fluffer|fluffy| (member): Fluff to a user.